Hazel Smith Hutchinson
I Am . . .
. . . One Who has been on an intentional journey of healing for the past twenty-five years. Early on, with a passion for poetry, I committed to write from within what wanted/needed to be written. I was encouraged by my counselor to write it all down.
. . . One Who has drawn from many sources for courage, confidence, wisdom and strength . . . leading me to this place where I'm learning to be comfortable in my beingness.
. . . One Who appreciates my broad and experiential path through therapy, numerous seminars and workshops on the healing journey, spiritual retreats in various forms and traditions.
. . . One Who has been a United Methodist since I was a little girl. I appreciate the love I have experienced within that body, which sustained me as a child and often as an adult. Still a United Methodist, I am discovering the eclectic-ism of my spirituality, believing that all faiths and philosophies have truths to offer.
. . . One Who speaks of the Source, speaks of God, speaks of the Universe with the belief that I am speaking of the Oneness from which all comes and back to which all goes. The One Creator of all.
. . . One Who believes we each have our own path to follow and I respect fellow seekers, even though their path may be different.
. . . One Who believes we must love others as we love ourselves. I spent much of my life not loving myself. Today I strive to see myself through the eyes of the Universe, as God sees me. I am learning to love myself and learning to love others in a healthier way.
. . . One Who spent much of my life "feeling" and "carrying" the pain of others. Today I am choosing not to do that.
. . . One Who believes (finally) in my own potential - and like Dorothy of The Wizard of Oz, I now know it has been here all along.
. . . One Who believes in the potential of each one of us. So much untapped potential in the world!
. . . One Who believes my task is to look at each aspect of who I am with the intention of recognizing, acknowledging, validating and honoring each one of those particularities -- no matter how wonderfilled or freightening. Each has played an important part in my becoming who I am.
. . . One Who believes SoulCollage®, because there is no need for words, words that I often do not have, is the right path for me.
. . . One Who believes I am called to share SoulCollage® in the world, which is why you have found me here.
. . . One Who believes perhaps you are a Trekker too.